Home Consultant makes Presentation to RBDF’s New Recruits….

Arawak Homes was invited to make a presentation to the new recruits pertaining to Financial Management and Real Estate Investments.  One of Arawak Homes’ qualified Home Consultants, Mrs. Ayana Storr delivered an awesome presentation to the new recruits of the Royal Bahamas Defense Force Thursday, September 22nd, 2011.

Mrs. Storr impressed upon the 62 young men and women the importance of savings, budgeting and building good credit, securing property and asking the right questions with investigation concerning the legitimacy of companies and persons related to legal matters.  She also offered individual consultation to those persons who held properties and those wishing to invest in the near future.

The recruits were very grateful of the information presented and expressed their gratitude to Arawak Homes.   Arawak Homes was very pleased to have encouraged young men and women to start the process of savings and budgeting as the lack of Financial Management and Investments may be something they may regret in the future.