Arawak Homes Represented at BTVI’s Health Fair

It was such a joy to see the many students participating in the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institution’s Health Fair. There were many Health Professionals, Training Clubs, Distributors and Financial institutions making presentations on wellness and alternatives to a better style of living.

Arawak Homes was a definite inclusion for such an event of this kind. Financial wellness and investments aid in having a healthy life and a prosperous one at that. We spoke with students, teachers and even several exhibitors about the steps of becoming a home owner or the prospects of taking investments to a new level.

Arawak Homes certainly left an impression with persons who are seeking and preparing to make that step. We spoke with persons who own land and wish to build “something” in the very near future. Information provided gave options of townhouses, duplexes and homes notwithstanding that the process is easier and hassle-free when you contract with Arawak Homes.

We look forward to next year’s fair!!!